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When Someone You Know Has Depression: Words to Say and Things to Do

whensomeoneyouknow_3DIn When Someone You Know Has Depression: Words to Say and Things to Do, Dr. Susan J. Noonan draws on personal experience and evidence-based medical information to create a concise and practical guide to caring for someone who has depression or bipolar disorder. She offers specific recommendations on what to say, how to support, and how to act around a loved one who is struggling with this illness – as well as to know when to back off. The book includes effective support and communication strategies, suggestions on how to model resilience, how to deal with challenging situations, and how caregivers can best care for themselves. It is a perfect companion book to her first, Managing Your Depression: What you can do to feel better, which provides valuable information and skills specifically for those suffering from depression.

Book Review on PsychCentral by Julia Patt

We all want to help and support the people we care about in our lives — whether they’re friends, family members, or significant others. After all, they do the same for us. When one of those people is dealing with a mood disorder, however, it’s easy to feel like you’re out of your depth. You might be afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing. You may worry about making the situation worse. In her book, When Someone You Know Has Depression: Words to Say and Things to Do, Susan Noonan offers concrete suggestions for caregivers attempting to support loved ones dealing with depression and bipolar disorder…Continue reading “Book Review: When Someone You Know Has Depression.”

“Book Review: When Someone You Know Has Depression,” by Julia Patt for PsychCentral


  • amazon
  • Barnes & Noble
  • Johns Hopkins University Press


This text is a much-needed addition to mental health literature, as depression is stigmatized and few understand how to support friends and loved ones who frequently do not obtain help on their own.
—American Reference Books Annual


This book offers useful insight for any health professional working within mental health… It is of enormous value to the layperson, hungry for knowledge about how best to interact and help their loved one face the dreadful ravages of depression.
—Nursing Times



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