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Monthly Archives: March 2016



Myths Around Taking Care of Your Brain

It’s much harder to take good care of yourself when you don’t feel well.  And taking good care of yourself translates to taking good care of your brain, making sure that it functions in the best way possible. This is very important when you are dealing with an illness like depression, anxiety or bipolar disorder. The things you need to do to stay healthy might seem like they are not important enough and perhaps don’t[…]

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How to deal with uncertain stressors in our world

The world may seem to be full of bad things that may or may not happen to us, that feel scary and raise our level of anxiety. This can be quite overwhelming if we allow it, less so if we consider the reality of the risk and learn how to deal with our inner thoughts around it. One example that has come to recent attention is the Zika virus, a virus carried by the Aedes[…]

Posted in Living with Depression, Stressors | Leave a comment



Absence of Symptoms is Not Enough

If you asked any one of us, we would say that top on our list is to feel better.  But what is “better”, what does it mean? To most it means that the symptoms of mental illness have gone away.  However, just the absence of symptoms is not good enough for a healthy life. Being well is not only freedom from the episodes of a mood disorder or depression symptoms – it is much more. […]

Posted in Living with Depression | Leave a comment
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