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Relationships, New Year’s Resolutions and the New York Times 7-Day Happiness Challenge

January is the time of year when many of us make New Year’s resolutions.  I’m personally not a huge fan of that exercise, as many people start out with good intentions and lose the momentum and motivation to follow through as the month progresses.  Then they feel guilty and disappointed in themselves for failing.  Instead, I encourage others (and myself) to create goals at any time of year, SMART goals that are small and specific,[…]

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Pandemic-related inertia – it’s a real thing!

The past 2 ½ years or so during the covid-19 pandemic has affected all of us in terms of what and how we do things, our habits, our thinking and our decision making.  That’s easy to understand – we’ve been in a crisis situation, facing an unknown threat to our health and security from a worldwide super-contagious virus that is still evolving, with periodic new variations that continue to trouble us. In response to spending[…]

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The Difficulty in Making Meaningful Connections in Adulthood

I recently heard a wonderful and very enthusiastic presentation by psychologist Dr. Marisa Franco of the University of Maryland who had some very practical thoughts and recommendations on making friends in adulthood.  I’ve personally found that making meaningful connections is something more difficult to do as we age, deal with the isolation of the Covid-19 pandemic, or deal with mental health conditions that can cause a person to be more withdrawn and isolated socially.  There[…]

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