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Read Health Care Websites With A Critical Eye!

Over time I have come across a few websites that make me pause, and cause me to be concerned.  The reason is because some of these sites tend to make promises and mis-statements on health and well-being without using scientific evidence to back them up.  I cringe when I read them, and only hope that the reader is savvy enough to see through the faulty logic and sales pressure to purchase products of those who[…]

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My Role Model For Coping With Adversity

There are some people who have received a disproportionate share of bad things that happen to them, more than the expected amount of events that would come to one in life.  This is in spite of what they do or don’t do.  They cause nothing to bring it on, and there is no way to understand it.  It is clearly not fair!  But then, nobody ever promised that life would be fair.  I personally know[…]

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The support of a friend

Here is a comic so fabulous that I had to share it with you. It is from Robot Hugs titled “Nest” (c) 2013,, and is courtesy of the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation. I saw it first on the Mood Network Facebook page ( Click on the image to enlarge it so that you can read the captions – they are really great!  

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